Sociology syllabus (Aktu 6th Semester) 


Industrial Sociology: Nature, Scope and Importance of Industrial Sociology. Social Relations in Industry, Social Organisation in Industry- Bureaucracy, Scientific Management and Human Relations.


Rise and Development of Industry: Early Industrialism – Types of Productive Systems – The Manorial or Feudal system. The Guild system, The domestic or putting-out system, and the Factory system. Characteristics of the factory system. Causes and Consequences of industrialization. Obstacles to and Limitations of Industrialization.


Industrialization in India. Industrial Policy Resolutions – 1956.Science. Technology and Innovation Policy of India 2013.


Contemporary Issues: Grievances and Grievance handling Procedure. Industrial Disputes: causes, Strikes and Lockouts. Preventive Machinery of Industrial Disputes: Schemes of Workers Participation in Management- Works Committee, Collective Bargaining, Bi-partite & Tri-partite Agreement, Code of Discipline, Standing Orders. Labour courts & Industrial Tribunals.


Visualizing the future: Models of industrialization- Collectivist, anarchist, free market, environmentalist, etc. Cultural issues, consumer society and sociological concerns.